Saturday, February 16, 2008


Pearls of Wisdom - the Moral Teachings of Baba given to the Humanity.

Sri Sai Baba is personification of Love. Due to good and bad deeds of our previous lives, we are born as human beings. But we are still under the evil influences of ignorance, immersed in the ocean of impure life and are knocked down. To lift us from impure life, Sri Sai Baba gave these moral Teachings in His messages given to the writer while the later was in meditation and asked him to spread these Gospels throughout the country. The following are the pearls of His sayings:

1. Don’t enslave yourself to ‘DEHA BUDDHI’. Beware of the ill effects of the senses. Do not inherit and do not lead sinful lives with egoism and enslavement to the sense of taste etc. Shed selfishness and have faith in Supreme Philosophy. If you don’t want your lives to be useless, shun the objects of Indriyas.

2. However you nourish your body, you cannot save it from your ‘DHARMA’. You will repent at the end if you work to care for comforts. Know that the grasp of philosophy of ‘TEJA-TATWAM’ is the supreme goal of life.

3. Whatever work is to be done, do it with firm mind for a firm result. As long as your mind does not find peace, your feeling for the Self does not stabilize and hence whatever work you attempt will be useless.

4. All the efforts of the strong and the weak are possible only in this world. Papa and Punya, the results of bad and good actions, pertain to these mundane affairs and are not related to any other state.

All the illusions, you see in this world is due to the result of Sankalp, you make and all differences are due to your mental attachment of detachment and your seeing the illusion due to your partial perception. In reality, Non-Duality is the basic fact and pervades the whole Universe. Therefore, all of you make efforts to see the equality underlying al the superficial differences.

5. Do not try to pull down others. This is an obstacle to your Sadhana Shakti. You will lose your innate power, if you criticize others. Therefore, the distinction and disparities among you are due to the different levels of illumination in yourselves. You must know this fact.

6. Merge your heart with your inner self. If you seek revelations of DIVINE TRUTHS, you should control your senses and only then will be possible. Therefore, fix firmly in your mind the Teachings of Mine.

7. Know this world is false and transient. Worldly pleasures are momentary and transitory. Whatever the minimum is needed for your body, do that much and do no get attached to it more. Make this your aim.

8. Do not think that your ideas only are good and try to rub them on others head. Let nobody think that he is greater than others. Know whatever you do, is done by me only and not otherwise.

9. Learn to be charitable. Charity done in a holy place will ensure your welfare. Charity done with pride and ego is useless.

10. Indriyas always visualize the external world only. If you want to have Self-Realization keep your mind away from bad acts and make it one pointed without wavering. Till you attain purity of your mind, you will not get Self-Realization. All of you are caught in bondage. To get released from this, by full faith and then you will reach the ultimate goal. As long as desire and greed are present, you cannot attain God-hood. Out of egoism, if you do not get rid of sense desires or if your mind is not pure, all philosophical sayings become useless.

11. God is a subtle being. You must try to become as subtle as possible. The more subtle you become, the better, because by this way, you come very near God. So try to become subtle.

12. Quick progress towards your goal is possible when you destroy your own creation around you and then God comes. If you want to lead a life of perfection, you must always abjure falsehood and speak truth only. Cultivate a liberal outlook.

13. Thoughts create the atmosphere.

14. Try to develop awareness and try to be alert to what is happening. Then sensitivity will develop.

1 comment:

Story Teller said...

excellent, even i didn't try this in my blog, good attempt..